There are two main mechanisms of immunity within the adaptive immune system – humoral b lymphocytes cell mediated immunity and cellular (t lymphocytes cell mediated immunity).
Humoral immunity and cell-mediated...
Apoptosis is a regulated process of cell death that occurs during embryonic development as well as maintenance of tissue homeostasis. The appearance of non-regulated apoptosis involves the possibility...
Flow cytometry (FMC) is a multi-parametric cellular analysis technique that, using fluorochrome- labelled antibodies, allows the simultaneous measurement of multiple physical characteristics of a cell.
The discovery and research on exosomes has raised hopes for treating different pathologies in regenerative medicine. It has been demonstrated in new studies that exosomes show a great opportunity on...
Long-term protective immune responses to viral infections or vaccines result from the combined actions of B lymphocytes (responsible for humoral antibody immunity) and T lymphocytes (responsible for...
Exosomes are endosomal-derived vesicles that play an important role in cell-to-cell communication. Multiple cells from different parts of our system secret these vesicles, and in this sense, exosomes...
Flow cytometry is a powerful multiparametric cell analysis technique that, using fluorochrome-labelled antibodies, allows the simultaneous measurement of multiple physical characteristics of a cell...
Exosomes are nano-size extracellular vesicles secreted by all cells, they are classified as nanoparticle based on size and they transport proteins and genetic information between cells. These exosomes...
To date, the vast majority of the serological test for SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies are based on serum detection of antibodies to either the viral spike glycoproteins (the major target for neutralising...
Article Author: Alba Calzas Delgado (I+D+i Immunostep Department)
Exosomes have recently emerged as a new source of potential non-invasive biomarkers of several diseases, since they can be easily obtained...