Tissue Macrophages in Oncology

Detection and characterization of tumour associated macrophages in blood

A monocyte-specific antibody panel for Flow Cytometry that can be used to show the numbers of different monocyte subsets in humans, including classical, intermediate and non-classical monocytes. An innovative tool which is fundamental for minimally-invasive and early diagnosis of cancer, as well as monitoring of treatment and disease progression in oncology.

Monocyte Subsets Tube

Monocytes, which originate from myeloid bone marrow precursors, constitute a component of the innate immune system. Upon maturation, they exit the bone marrow and travel through the bloodstream until they are recruited to eliminate dying cells and foreign antigens from damaged tissues. Within the tissue environment, they differentiate into macrophages, eventually returning to the peripheral circulation.

In peripheral blood, three distinct stages of monocyte maturation can be identified immunophenotypically:

Classical monocytes (CD14+CD16-), comprising roughly 80% of all monocytes.
Intermediate monocytes (CD14+CD16+).
Non-classical monocytes (CD14-/dim CD16+/++).

Various studies have highlighted significant alterations in the relative and absolute counts of circulating monocytes/macrophages following different clinical conditions, particularly those involving tissue damage. Consequently, monitoring peripheral blood provides a sensitive method for detecting and quantifying the various monocyte subsets.

TiMaScanTM Kit

TiMaScanTM & Flow Cytometry

This pre-mixed combination allows for the accurate detection and enumeration of the main monocyte subsets, as important parameters for tissue damage monitoring. Evaluation of circulating monocytes/macrophages is independent of the time point because the markers have been defined in consensus to be the most informative and relevant for scanning in any condition (HLA-DR, CD45, CD14, CD300e, EpCam, Cd16 and your marker).


Classical methodologies that use only 100 μl of whole PB do not allow for the acquisition of millions of cells in order to reach a high sensitivity of >10 million total acquired events. For a better detection of all blood cell populations, it is recommended to use a macro-volume PB erythrocyte lysis (RBC Lysis) that allows the concentration of leukocytes in a small volume, suitable for further staining.

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